Respond to the Call of the Wild and find your kin…
Reach your true potential and get in touch with your inner Godir with the help of the Age of Wonders 4: Primal Fury Content Pack. This Content Pack introduces the brand new Lupine and Goatkin forms, the animistic Primal Culture worshippers of 7 different Primal Animals, 2 exciting new Tomes and the challenging Stormwreathed Isles Realm. Heroes known for their Affinity with Life and Death also make their return as part of 4 new Rulers to play as and fight against.
Everybody has two wolves inside of them and one of them is the Wolf Update. All players get to enjoy new Form Traits, an improved and expanded Pantheon, a completely reworked Necromancy experience and a brand new Bounty System to set War Targets for other Rulers to complete. Hero Recruitment and Free Cities have seen large updates alongside other Quality of Life Improvements such as brand new Realm & Combat Overviews, a Special Province Improvement UI/Flow Update and even more ways to express your Fantasy with Custom Throne City Names and Race Biographies.
Check below for all the details on the Primal Fury Content Pack and the Wolf Update.
Game Version:
Primal Fury Content Pack

New Forms: Lupine & Goatkin
Two new forms have joined the planes of existence. The beastly Lupine are beings which communicate through barks and howls. Trained in long distance running, they are exceptionally fast and adapt at surrounding and overrunning their enemies. Alongside these creatures of the forests we find the Goatkin. Graceful beings who take pride in their elaborate horns. They are vigorous and strong, true beacons of health with a knack for consuming plants to revitalize themselves.

New Culture: Primal
The Primal culture is animistic and in tune with the environment. Not every Primal Culture is the same, as each culture picks a Primal Animal that they worship. This Primal Animal dominates every facet of their physical and spiritual lives.
Pick one of 7 Primal Animals, each linked to a different terrain and damage type
Channel the Fury of your chosen Primal in combat for powerful buffs
Find the den of your chosen Primal on the world map and channel its power to Terraform the land.

New Tomes
Reach into the hidden powers of Nature with two new Nature Hybrid Tomes. Embrace the mischievous side of the Fey with the Tome of Fey Mists, conjuring otherworldly mists to protect and strengthen your armies. Or call forth the darker side with the Tome of the Stormborne. Control the storms to do your bidding and transform your race into creatures from the deep.

New Realm: Stormwreathed Isles
A realm of storms and islands inhabited by fey creatures that play host to a dispute between two powerful Godir. Featuring two brand new Realm Traits. Hostile Seas make Sea Storms a permanent feature of this world, which makes traversing them exceptionally dangerous. Primal Dispute turns the realm into the stage of a violent dispute between the Godir Serena and Nimue, whose primal followers fight a bloody conflict.
Even More Content
While we’re sure the above has your mouths watering, there’s even more that you can enjoy. Further included in the Primal Fury Content Pack are:
4 Achievements
4 New Premade Rulers, including the return of Arvik the Dark and Serena, self proclaimed master of Elves and their Eternal Trees
6 New Wildlife and Compositions that expand the variety of Units you’ll encounter
4 New Mounts split between Default options and Exotic Mount Traits
New Primal Interface Skin & New Banner Emblems
Wolf Update

War Bounties
None are safe with the brand new War Bounty System. War Bounties are public (re)quests akin to wanted posters that are sent out by Rulers. These requests target locations of strategic benefit such as Outposts, Cities and Victory Condition Structures along with a hefty reward for completion. Other Rulers can choose to accept a bounty and try to achieve it or they might tempt you into a War for the right reward. Work your way to Victory from the comfort of your Seat of Power through this new Diplomatic system.

Hero Recruitment
We have taken a look at how Heroes are recruited into your Empire and how they interact with each other. In this new version of Recruitment we've disconnected the Hero Cap from cities and gone back a bit to our earlier titles. Over the course of a game your Hero Cap will increase automatically, introducing Heroes to you over time or spend your Imperium to requisition one immediately. Alongside these changes comes a new interaction between Heroes that are part of the same Stack. Any stack that contains more than one hero will be subject to a Leadership Clash, the effects of which result in lower Morale and less Experience Gain.

Necromancy Overhaul
Necromancy has been reworked to provide a more satisfying and enjoyable experience. With changes to Necromancy Tomes, Souls generation and the inclusion of Post-Combat Raising we’ve created a more direct connection between the units you kill and the undead you raise. Raise Skeletal variants of Shield, Polearm, Archer and Battle Mage units as well as Monstrous creations like Bone Horrors and Bone Dragons to form petrifying armies.

Pantheon Expansion
The Pantheon has been expanded with a large update improving Tech, Flow and Gameplay aspects. Pantheon Management has been reworked and Rulers that join your Pantheon are now added to a separate Tab in Faction Selection. From here you can review your Rulers, make changes or add your newly unlocked Pantheon Rewards. At the end of a game Ascended Rulers have the option to pick an Ascension Trait, special traits available based on your Affinity and Tome choices during the game. They will also keep the Race Transformations that they cast and remember the Tomes you picked.
There’s also new content and not just for the Pantheon. The Godir’s Aid event has been expanded with Affinity & Alignment oriented Events to provide more opportunities for your Rulers to join a campaign. A new Hero Loadout, Nature Society Traits and Ruler Visuals have been added to the Pantheon Rewards, but the most exciting is the addition of 6 new Mount Skins that can be unlocked for your Ruler & Units to ride.

Quality of Life and more
The features above are only the highlights of what the Wolf Update has to offer, other big additions have been made to the game. A heavily expanded Free City experience graces your realms with tons of additional Tome Upgrade sets, brand new Culture Upgrade sets and improvements to the Rally of the Lieges. The Item Forge sees a slew of new Infusions that let you create even more varied pieces of Equipment, as well as Dragon Gauntlets for the fashion forward Dragon.
We’ve added new ways to live out your fantasy, for those that spend more time creating factions than playing them. Editing a Factions now provides the choice between Overwriting the existing ruler or making a Copy, which is key for when you want to update your Factions with Custom Throne City Names and Faction Biographies. To help you keep your Fantasy going you’re now able to toggle the visibility of any Unit Enchantment or Race Transformation that you’ve cast. Now venture out into Realms that you let create for you with the new randomize option and crawl through forests filled with Webs, Mushrooms and what not.

This only scratches the surface of the Wolf Update. For the full list of change notes, check out the full Forum post.