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DevBlog #53 | What's next?

Hello everyone!

Welcome back to another FOUNDRY Friday after having skipped the last one - we were quite busy with the launch.

Two weeks ago FOUNDRY was released into Early Access on Steam and we are thrilled to see so many new people joining our community and playing the game.

It feels great to finally have the game out and we are excited about the future. Seeing new players enjoying the game and providing us with lots of feedback is fantastic and we are already working on many of your requests.

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What's next?

Before we look into the future, let us look at how we’ve been spending the past two weeks:

Fixing issues you encountered. So far we have already released two hotfix patches addressing the most critical issues and there are more patches on the way for less critical (non-game-breaking) issues.

Polishing and working on requested improvements. We have put together our first quality of life patch that addresses the most requested features in terms of polishing and usability. This patch is not yet released, but currently available on the testing branch, more information below.

The upcoming weeks and months we are going to focus on the first content update. We already made some progress on a few new features, but it is still too early to reveal what we’re working on for the first update. In addition to new content we will also look at which parts of the existing content need further development or adjustments.

There is no release date yet, but at the moment our plan is to release two more content updates this year.

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Testing Branch

Going forward we’d like to introduce the testing branch. The testing branch is a separate Steam branch that acts as an opportunity for the community to get an early look into the next update while it is still work in progress and to help us spot any issues early before it goes live.

We have made it available yesterday and as a preview for the upcoming quality of life update and we plan to do so with other (although not necessarily all) upcoming updates.

Please understand that you will potentially encounter bugs, desyncs and other issues with higher probability on the testing branch. It is not intended to be used for regular playing, but for people who want to provide early feedback and assist us in ensuring the highest possible quality for the upcoming update.

More information on how to join it can be found on our Discord server under #announcements.

Thank you for reading and see you next time,



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