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FOUNDRY DevBlog #68 | Power Plant Preview

Hello everyone!

A few blog posts ago we promised to show a new modular building on the next FOUNDRY Friday and instead covered a different topic in the following post. Since we received a few “reminders” I wanted to address this grave injustice and hereby finally show the work in progress art of the new power plant!


What you can see is a power plant that is made out of several different modular buildings. I once mentioned that one of the main motivations for modular buildings was that in reality it’s more likely to have a single large machine than hundreds of small ones working in parallel. A power plant made of multiple such buildings is the next logical step. We’re trying to make those objects - especially once combined - feel like real buildings. In fact, some of them are so massive you can enter them.


Its functionality is inspired by real life nuclear power plants, although a bit simplified. We haven’t yet decided if we’ll theme it as a nuclear plant or if we’re going to come up with a more sci-fi-ish design.


Your task is to build those buildings and properly connect each of them. As we are still working on this I won’t go further into detail but instead share screenshots.










Please note that things are subject to change as everything is work in progress.

See you next time,


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