Isaac Greymoor is ready to bring the heat in the fight against the Banished Court! This hot-headed mercenary is the prodigal son of the past leader of the Lamplighters League. Isaac and Locke are the only survivors from the glory days — and it is time for Isaac to rejoin the cause.

Bringing the Heat
Isaac’s weapon is his Light Machine Gun. It excels at dealing a lot of hits and stacking up a lot of damage. His gun does not use Ammo and does not need to be reloaded — instead Isaac must manage the weapon’s Heat, visualized by a meter in the lower left corner of the screen.

Isaac’s kit revolves around firing his LMG to build Heat. The more Heat Isaac has, the stronger all of his LMG attacks become. But it comes with a tradeoff—for every stack of Heat, he loses some of his Speed.

Each of Isaac’s abilities have a special interaction with Heat and there is big damage benefit the more Heat he has- but be careful! Every LMG ability taken while Isaac is at Max Heat has a chance to make Isaac Overheated.
When Isaac is Overheated he can continue shooting his LMG, but every LMG Ability he uses will also inflict Damage on himself (a percentage of his current Health).

With Isaac, it's all about dealing damage and pushing the limits.
Ability Breakdown
Basic Ability: Shoot LMG
Isaac’s basic shoot attack is a multi-hit attack, similar to Judith or Ana Sofia’s SMGs. However every stack of Heat increases the amount of times Isaac will fire his gun. Isaac’s per-bullet damage is lower than the other Agents, but his power comes from having a high volume of them.
No Heat: 3 shots
1 Heat: 4 shots
2 Heat: 5 shots
3 Heat (Max): 7 shots
Additionally, each bullet that hits will shred a small amount of Armor.
Isaac also has an Overwatch ability that behaves the same way.

A ranged ability that deals damage, shreds Armor, and Displaces targets. This is a first for the game- an Agent ranged Displacement ability! This can be used to move and try to knock down enemies from a distance. The amount of damage dealt and Armor shred will scale depending on how much Heat Isaac has. Later upgrades will increase how far targets are displaced!

A ranged AoE ability. Isaac will unload bullets in a selected area. Enemies hit will take damage and be Flushed Out from cover! This is a very effective way to set up easier hits on targets. (Isaac has a lot of hits to try to land!)
Damage increases depending on how much Heat Isaac has. Also a later upgrade of Cannonade will apply a burning hazard area while Isaac is at Max Heat.

Signature: Spitfire
Isaac unleashes a hailstorm of bullets in a cone AoE that deals damage and shreds Armor. This is a big move that can deal A LOT of damage if it's used on a group of enemies.
Higher Heat means more bullets fired per target.
No Heat: 3 shots per target
1 Heat: 4 shots per target
2 Heat: 5 shots per target
3 Heat (Max): 7 shots per target
An upgraded version of this Signature includes even more shots per target.

Utility: Vent
A free-to-use ability that removes all of Isaac’s Heat and removes Overheated. If Isaac is Overheated when he uses this move, then venting will also create a smoke area around him.
This is a key part of Isaac’s loop. The more Heat he has, the stronger he is—but make sure that decreased mobility and the self-inflicted Overheated damage are a price he can afford to pay.

A Hot-Headed DPS
Isaac is an Agent with high damage output. At higher levels of Heat he can really pack a punch, but you will also need to be careful. He is all about winding up in power by building up Heat, and then Venting when things get a little too hot.
Isaac plays similar to Purnima — you’ll want to find a good position for him to deal out tons of damage. Protecting him with other Agents can be advantageous — especially if you continue to trade health for shots while Overheated.

Make Every Hit Count
Because Isaac has so many bullets that can hit, anything that helps increase his Hit Chance to is something you should consider! Try using his Cannonade to move enemies out of cover before following up with other attacks.
Wet Your Appetite
Water can help Isaac keep his cool. Whenever Isaac is wet, he will not build up Heat while he attacks. Water will also stop him from being Overheated. Every turn Isaac is wet he will lose a stack of Heat. Keep an eye out for water on the field — it can be used to manage Isaac’s Heat in a more incremental way than simply Venting.
So Many Bullets!
Isaac’s gameplay was inspired by a love of over-the-top Hollywood gun action scenes and the catharsis of seeing tons of bullets firing. We’re so excited for the community to meet Isaac and see how he synergizes and interacts with the other Agents.
Thanks so much to you, the players, for supporting us and The Lamplighters League.
Isaac is dedicated to you, and to all of the Harebrained Schemers who brought him to life.
Thank you!
Brad Kraeling
Senior Gameplay Engineer