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The World of Career Mode
Dev Highlight #2 - The World Of Career Mode
Watch @DoubleEleven showcase the Career Mode in Prison Architect 2! Will you freely architect and manage your own prison in Sandbox Mode or Build a successful Company in Career Mode?
This episode contains information such as; what is Career Mode, what are the thoughts behind it and some other fun tidbits such as a developer easter egg. Make sure you check it out to get the latest on the Career Mode in Prison Architect 2! 🎥 In this video you’ll meet: 🧩 Designer Natalie Wicks will tell you all you need to know about the Career Mode in Prison Architect 2 as well as give us a look into the history of the feature.
📖 Game Director Gareth Wright talks about how things have evolved from the original Prison Architect to Prison Architect 2 and the possibilities of the Career Mode feature.
🎨 Lead Animator Craig McMullen will tell you more about the animations used specifically how their work with facial expressions on characters could be used in the Career Mode’s features.
You have not missed the first Episode of the Dev Highlight where @DoubleEleven talked about how Prison Architect 2 was made? If you have, you can check out that video here:
How was Prison Architect 2 made? | Dev Highlight - Episode 1 Do you have a topic that you wish to know more about regarding Prison Architect 2? Add a comment about it here below so we can give you all the fencetastic facts before the game release on the 7th of May! _____________________________________________________________________
Next up: Prison Architect Academy - Finances with TheGeekCupboard We have a tutorial made by TheGeekCupboard coming up next week - Tune in to learn how you can manage your finances in Prison Architect 2, and make sure to tap the bell on YouTube to get notified 🔔

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