Game version
Gameplay Improvements
Elevator colonist cap has been increased to 250
New warning notifications when trying to launch a lander with colonists while not having a ‘habitat’ on the asteroid or when the habitat does not have enough resident slots
Bug Fixes
Fixed ‘no disasters’ rule not working
Fixed ‘no terraforming’ rule not working
Fixed disabling ‘no Below and Beyond content’ rule awarding ‘Space Explorers’ achievement
Fixed a crash on starting a new game on macOS
Fixed a crash when sending a planetary expedition that requires an RC vehicle
Fixed a crash when a lander rocket returns to mars with cargo containing a transporter that carries resources
Fixed a crash when requesting colonists from an asteroid
Fixed a crash after the event ‘rough touchdown’ when drones unload the payload
Fixed a rounding error on resources prevent the lander rocket from launching
Fixed a Waste Rock value being incorrect during landscaping
Fixed event anomalies spawning under resource deposits
Fixed the amount of surface polymers being very high
Fixed ‘The last War’ event preventing the loading of cargo onto asteroid landers
Fixed not being able to send multiple drones through the elevator by right clicking
Fixed the lander rocket request payload tooltip showing the ready status for prefabs that the player does not have
Fixed the issue where the number of requested colonists gets reset to 0 in the lander rocket cargo menu
Fixed where one drone gets transported through the elevator when assigning multiple drones to the elevator as drone controller
Fixed maintenance getting stuck on certain buildings (fusion reactor and electronics factory)
Fixed where drones were active in drone hub extender range while the extender wasn’t powered
Fixed the effect ranges remaining visible after refabbing a building
Fixed rovers leaving the lander rocket twice
Fixed the issue where multiple capital cities could be built after terraforming (Old saves will continue to contain multiple capital cities, but the option to build more is now restricted)
Fixed the RC explorer continuing to scan queued surface anomalies while the RC explorer has been transported to the underground
Fixed incorrect landing angle of the supply pod on a landing pad
Fixed the asteroid banner not working without the Space Race DLC
Fixed the issue where landscape cursor does not show
Fixed the colony being automatically renamed to ‘missing text’ in the planetary view
Fixed the concrete extractor not being able to build underground at specific coordinates
Fixed domes not being built underground because drones stop delivering resources