Cities: Skylines II


You Are The Creator

A world of free creativity is now available in Beta!

Welcome to a world of free creativity. With Mods (short for modifications) you can tailor your gaming experience to your unique preferences. Uploaded by creators all over the world, you can pick between anything to create the city of your dreams.

The Beta release of Modding will initially support Map and Code mods. Future updates will extend its functionality to include Asset Mods and more.

Browse The Region Packs

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CSII RegionPacks-Japan-Thumb
CSII RegionPacks-UK-Thumb-v2
CSII RegionPacks-Germany-Thumb
CSII RegionPacks-France-Thumb
Cities: Skylines II Modding

Mods Are Now For Everyone

Ready to enhance your game?

Modding is an integral part of Cities: Skylines II and we want it to be available - to everyone. Modding is seamlessly integrated into the experience, allowing you to easily explore and manage mods directly within the game, regardless of platform.

Modding News

2025-03-03The Cities Around the World tour has landed in its final destination - the iconic Northeast USA!
CSII RegionPacks-China-USASW
2025-02-24Cities Around the World welcome you to the vibrant American Southwest!
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2025-02-10The Cities Around the World tour expands eastward, welcome to China!
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2025-01-27The Cities Around the World tour resumes with our first stop of the New Year: Eastern Europe!
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2024-12-09Cities Around the World continues with our fourth destination! We’ve landed in Japan!
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2024-11-25Cities Around The World has reached its third destination. Welcome to the UK!
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2024-11-11We’ve landed at our second stop for Cities Around The World; Guten Tag, and welcome to to Germany!
2024-10-28Our first stop on our journey across Cities Around The World: Welcome to France!Introducing the French Pack, inspired by Paris's iconic architecture, brings the heart of France straight to your virtual cityscape.
2024-10-23We’re going on a trip to Cities Around the World!It's time to begin our journey across the globe! Over the course of the next upcoming weeks Cities: Skylines II is going on a trip, where we'll be stopping in eight different regions. Introducing Region Packs - free to download from Paradox Mods.
CSII-Map Mods-DevDiary
2024-03-21Modding Dev Diary #3 Code ModdingCode modding was a big part of Cities: Skylines and we want to bring even more possibilities for modding to Cities: Skylines II. If you look at how players use mods to play Cities: Skylines you will see completely different playstyles, almost like they’re playing different games.
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2024-03-20Modding Dev Diary #2 Map EditorWhen we set out to create the Map Editor we wanted it to be similar to the one in Cities: Skylines but we also wanted to expose more properties, giving more power and freedom to you so you can express your vision.
2024-03-19Modding Dev Diary #1: Paradox Mods in Cities: Skylines IIThe Paradox Mods interface will allow you to discover, search and just plain browse through mods from inside the game. Additionally, our staff will highlight especially interesting, popular or unique mods for your consideration.

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