Surviving the Aftermath News
Latest news from the end of the world.

2021-11-16Update 1.0 is available now!Survive and thrive in the Aftermath! Update 1.0 is available on PC and consoles!

2021-11-16Changelog – Update 1.0Update 1.0 is almost here! Check out the detailed list of changes, new additions, and fixes in our changelog!

2021-11-15Dev Diary – The End GameLearn what new content and changes you can expect in the upcoming Update 1.0 for Surviving the Aftermath!

2021-11-15Endgame | A Players Guide to Surviving the AftermathThe End is really here! In the last episode of the series, PartyElite will show what ultimate challenges are waiting for you in the Aftermath. We're taking a look at some new features coming in 1.0 as well!

2021-11-14Quests | A Players Guide to Surviving the AftermathLife in the Aftermath is full of unique stories just waiting to be discovered. In today's tutorial, PartyElite will take a closer look at quests which offer you a chance to send your specialists on interesting and sometimes dangerous paths.

2021-11-13The World Map | A Players Guide to Surviving the AftermathIn this tutorial, we're taking a look at the World Map which offers quests, bandits, resources, opportunities, and threats! Use Specialists to explore the world around your colony and try to survive all the hazards!

2021-11-12Specialists | A Players Guide to Surviving the AftermathSpecialists are key members of your colony that are able to explore the world around you. PartyElite shows off all the actions and benefits that come from specialists. Be sure to pick the right ones for your colonies' needs!

2021-11-11Colony Management | A Players Guide on Surviving the AftermathWe're kicking off a series of video tutorials with EliteParty. Check out the first episode about colony management!
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