July 23, 2024

New airing time for interim report livestream

Paradox Interactive’s livestream in connection with the interim report for January - June for the fiscal year 2024 has been moved to 15:00 PM CEST, instead of 12:00 PM CEST as previously communicated. 

The interim report will be published at 08:00 CEST on 25 July and will be available at https://www.paradoxinteractive.com/investors.

Livestream details

Date: 25 July 2024

Time: 15:00 PM CEST

Link: https://youtube.com/paradoxinteractive

Questions may be submitted in advance via our forum or by e-mailing them to ir@paradoxinteractive.com. Please note that it will be possible to e-mail questions during the presentation.

If you miss the presentation it will be posted on Paradox’s YouTube channel at a later time.

For additional information, please contact:

Fredrik Wester, CEO Paradox Interactive

Alexander Bricca, CFO Paradox Interactive

Email: ir@paradoxinteractive.com

Phone: +4670-355 54 18